
Dear customers! Security of transactions can be compromised due to circumstances independent from our service. To avoid this, we recommend that you read the following e-currency conversion rules:

  • Always ask for confirmation of identity of the person on the details of which you are going to transfer the money. This can be done through personal call on skype, icq or by requesting information on the status of the digital wallet of the opponent on the site of payment systеm;
  • Be very careful when filling out the field “Account Number” of the offeree. If you have made a mistake, you are sending your own money in an unknown direction without the possibility of its return;
  • Never provide loans using “irrevocable” electronic payment systems. In this case, the risk to face the fact of fraud is extremely high;
  • If you are offered to make a payment in a manner different from that specified in the instructions for use of our service, you shall refuse to execute the payment and report the incident to our expert. The same applies to payments on applications that were not created by you;
  • Give up of transacting the funds, which are owned by third parties, through your own bank accounts. There are cases when carrying out such transaction for a fee led to the fact that the account holder became an accomplice of a financial crime, being unaware of malice on the part of scams;
  • Always verify information that comes to your mail with the exchange office employee.

Our services and similar services do not provide loans, do not take money from people under debt or interest, and do not accept donations. When receiving messages of suspicious nature on our behalf with details similar to our or other details, please refrain from the implementation of these requirements there and tell about what happened to our Support Service.

Taking care of your financial well-being.

Operator online
22.10.2024, 15:10